UCSB’s Hongbo Yu (psychology) and Ya Zuo (history) have organized a symposium called “Emotions in History: Boundary-Crossing Adventures.” It will be held online August 10-11, 2023. The animating idea is that theories of emotion in each field–psychology and history–can be enriched by knowledge from the other.
The keynotes will be August 10 (Leda Cosmides (UCSB) representing Psychology, Anna Shields (Princeton) representing the Humanities. Aug 11 features a roundtable discussion between Team History and Team Psychology (which features evolutionary psychologists, including CEP alumnus Daniel Sznycer), followed by a discussion open to all. See below for more.
Keynotes: August 10, 8-10AM (PDT), Zoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/87899179073?pwd=c0hPYWxyT0JMZDFuSmNSTUhhYy9rQT09
Symposium: August 11, 7-10AM (PDT), Zoom link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/88393915476?pwd=bTVzVlM4NGQvZVVaWkpKQ3hrWDVMUT09